29 December 2010

Beautiful bird died in my backyard last Monday.

Last Monday morning, my friend The Spanish Guy found this beautiful cardinal in my backyard, dead with open wings. Its head was buried in the snow.

Lundi matin dernier, mon ami Guy L'Espagnol a trouvé ce superbe cardinal mort dans ma cour, les ailes ouvertes. Sa tête était enterrée dans la neige.

14 December 2010

Estonian names for twelve small yetis who have been shipped to Quebec city today.

1) Loid Tuletõrjuja (Slow Fireman)
2) Kannike Majahoidja (Purple Janitor)
3) Kohvi Koletis (Coffee Monster)
4) Nõutav Kingsepp (Popular Shoemaker)
5) Eriline Magustoit (Special Dessert)
6) Lille Korjaja (Flower Picker)
7) Pidev Kirikulaul (Endless Chant)
8) Minuga Tantsida (Dance With Me)
9) Torni Ehitaja (Tower Builder)
10) Väga Väiketootja (Very Small Farmer)
11) Paat Kerge (Boat Light)
12) Lumi Naermine (Laughing Snow)