I usually listen to music very carefully and Winter Sinking Cupcake Girl is the result of my active attention. Aware that my work is deeply inspired by rock bands and songs I deeply enjoy, my translation remains unconscious. Sometimes I realize often only months later that a specific song lead me to create a specific world. What a mysterious adventure...
Broken Aeroplanes by Richard Butler (from his 2006 solo album): I don't know why exactly but this beautiful song inspired me to concoct a depressing – but almost happy – mood, I can call desperate indifference. (Broken Aeroplanes on youtube) Then I hand drew this sad and smart cupcake girl.

On the photographed drawing, coloration was done with Photoshop.

I took the ice rink background from another one of my images I made for a cartoon on an absolutely beautiful (beautifully absolute!) cover of Joy to the World by Frank Fuller.

Enjoy the candy bittersweet color palette of Winter Sinking Cupcake Girl. I love pop music.

♪♫♪ «We're broken aeroplanes on the runway
never leaving, going no place» ♫♫♪