August 11th 2010: I begin to hand sew with felt the tiniest plushies I could make. I call them baby yetis. I also like the idea that imaginary animals could reproduce themselves… August 13th 2010: the first three mini yetis are listed in my Etsy shop. This white tiny monster immediately becomes the avatar of Mimi Matelot, my online and artistic alter ego.

September 11th 2010: one of my dearest friends buys the mini plush on Etsy. He gives his yeti a name: Vaahtokaramelli. And even if Vaahtokaramelli is sold, he is still the logo of Mimi Matelot. May 21st 2011: I receive a lovely message from Johanne through facebook, telling me she wants to buy my white avatar. I go back to my needles and felt.

I like custom resquests! Johanne also asked me for a chocolate mini bunny girl. Cool!

Thank you for your interest.

September 11th 2010: one of my dearest friends buys the mini plush on Etsy. He gives his yeti a name: Vaahtokaramelli. And even if Vaahtokaramelli is sold, he is still the logo of Mimi Matelot. May 21st 2011: I receive a lovely message from Johanne through facebook, telling me she wants to buy my white avatar. I go back to my needles and felt.

I like custom resquests! Johanne also asked me for a chocolate mini bunny girl. Cool!

Thank you for your interest.