Noooooo! Please, don't do that! Remove your hand!
The lion is going to attack you!
Only his master can touch the beast...
A dream I've had last spring.
In a strange house, I saw a big upside down ninja lion, his head hanging down. I was attracted, went to him, and began to caress him. Then I heard a thundering voice ordering me to stop touching the beast, because the beast would aggress me. I remember being afraid, but the attractive upside down ninja lion didn't snarl or attack me.
I woke up, took my pen and drew the scene on paper.

On the photographed drawing, coloration was done with Photoshop.

I took the ice rink floor from another image I made for a cartoon on an absolutely beautiful - beautifully absolute! - cover of Joy to the World by Frank Fuller.

Today I listed the new ACEO UpsideDown Attractive Ninja Lion in my Etsy shoppe.