15 September 2015

Several valleys

Masdevallia arangoi

Masdevallias are orchids found from Mexico to southern Brazil, but mostly in the higher regions of the Andes of Ecuador and Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. They may be epiphytes, terrestrials or growing as lithophytes on damp rocks. Named after the 18th physician and botanist Jose Masdeval.

You will agree with me: the photographer Eric Hunt is a pro when it’s time to capture masdevallias.

 Masdevallia ayabacana

 Masdevallia caesia

 Masdevallia cranion

 Masdevallia discolor

 Masdevallia don-quijote

 Masdevallia Machu Picchu 'Crown Point'

 Masdevallia Monarch x prodigiosa

 Masdevallia Pat Akehurst 'Lightning Venus'

Masdevallia sanctae-inesae