30 June 2014

Dentelle peinte

Blue Birds (Lace Series), acrylic on canvas, 2001

Robert Zakanitch (born 1935) is an American painter. While working in the Color Field he was strict to adhering to an abstract style inspired by Minimalism until he learned about decorative imagery. He kept the same color schemes and structures, but incorporated floral motif and a more painterly style.

Cat (Lace Series)

Head Rest (Lace Series), 2001

His/Her Handshake (Lace Series), 2001

In Quest of the Holy Snail

Pig Hollyhocks, 2004

Red Squirrel (Lace Series), 2001

Rococo Revisited, 2008

Sap Sucker Lace, 2000

The Angel of the Millinery, 2000

White Flower Crow, 2006

Robert Zakanitch is one of the founders of the Pattern and Decoration movement, an art movement situated in the US from the mid-1970s to the early 1980s. The movement has sometimes been referred to as P&D or as The New Decorativeness.