The seasons of Kevin Menck.
Atlantic Beach Tidal Pool (2010)
Aubries Field (2010)
Cheatham WMA at Dozier's (2011)
DC Lighthouse Beach (2009)
Delaware, Broadkill (2009)
Grey Day on Swan Creek (2012)
Harpeth River Sycamore II (2012)
James Island Park (2011)
Ken Roberts Cutbank (2009)
Pine Trees, Floyd Rd (2010)
Pooles Knob Snow (2010)
Radnor C (2009)
Radnor Fall II (2010)
Radnor Freeze Out II (2010)
Sage Field (2011)
Saunders Cutbank (2009)
Snow Pines (2011)
Sycamore (2011)
Warner Park Creek Snow (2010)
Kevin Menck is a painter from Nashville, Tennessee, USA. His artistic journey began as a graphic designer and a self-employed illustrator. In 2003 he slowly started to gravitate to fine art, specifically landscape painting from life, en plein air. Being an avid outdoorsman for years, he has a deep respect for the outdoors.
« I remember sitting in a duck blind or deer stand and trying to figure out how to capture what I was seeing on canvas. To get that atmosphere, to make a cold day look cold and hot days hot. I want the viewer to look at it and know what it actually was to be there.
I am not sure I do this because of my love of art or of my love of the land. They have become indivisible for me. One in the same.»
– Kevin Menck
his blog
his web site
Willows on Harpeth (2011)